Regular attendance is essential to ensure successful and positive growth in school. All children should be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. Learning and state funding are both dependent on regular attendance. Please remember that a written note explaining the absence is required when your children are absent. This note should be turned into the teacher the morning the student returns to school. Without a note your child will be considered truant. Please remember no changes can be made to attendance after 5 days. If we do not receive a note/email/phone call within 5 days of the absence, it will automatically be considered truant.
If your child is going to be tardy and needs to order a lunch, please call the office before 9:00 a.m. It is also important that students have breakfast, and arrive on time, ready to learn. Parents are highly encouraged to schedule appointments for their children after school hours in order to minimize intrusion on instructional time.
The following reasons for absence are considered unexcused:
• Truancy
• Personal reasons, (i.e. needed at home, overslept, babysitting)
• Family vacation
• Suspension
• Students excluded-lack of immunizations
• Notes returned without an explanation for absence
Supervision is not provided before 7:45 a.m.
Students are not allowed on the school grounds until that time.
Students must remain on the grounds until dismissal time or until an authorized adult checks him/her out through the office. Students waiting to be picked up after school must remain behind the gates where supervision is provided until 2:40 p.m. Please be prompt!
Parents must wait in the parent waiting area by the front of the office until the dismissal bell.