The purpose and intent of homework is to reinforce the classroom learning and provide practice to expand the application of knowledge and skills developing independent thinking and creativity. The assignments allow the students to learn to organize their time, use good study habits and develop self-discipline while accepting responsibility for completing the task.
All students in Grades 3 through 6 will have a school planner. Parents need to sign nightly as an indication that homework is complete. Homework will be consistent with the classroom teaching and have relevancy to the student. It is important for parents to provide a suitable time and place for homework to be completed.
If no specific homework assignment has been given, time should be used for reading silently, aloud or journal writing. It is a good idea to establish with your child a definite place to assemble books and materials for return to school the next day.
Children are to bring their needed books and materials home with them. Custodians or office staff will not open classrooms unless specific circumstances warrant this change of policy. Bringing materials home is part of being responsible.