Student Resources
Useful Websites for Students and Parents
AR Book Finder
Need to check and see if a particular book is within your child’s ZPD? Look it up here!
AAA Math
Hundreds of pages of basic math skills, interactive practice on every page, an explanation of the math topic on each page, and several challenge games on every page.
Math Practice Drills for each skill area, for grades Pre-K through 8.
So many learning concepts are explored in this exciting interactive site.
Kindergarten and Grade 1 Websites
Count Us In
Basic counting practice exercises.
A great early literacy site to help our beginning readers.
Reading Eggs
A fun, interactive site to help your little learner practice their phonics and language skills. Forgot your password? Link HERE.
Grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Websites
Multiplication Practice
At this site, students can practice their basic facts and play multiplication games.
Study Island
Our third through sixth grade students can extend their learning, even when they are outside of the classroom!